Appletree Nursery "Growing Every Year"

Appletree Nursery is a family owned and operated garden center in its 33rd season. We are located on Route 3 in Winnisquam, NH just 5 miles from the I-93 exit in Tilton. We offer a large selection of quality annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. We grow our own hanging baskets, zonal geraniums, new guinea impatiens and hardy mums. We also offer screened loam, plant bed mix, mulch (black, dark brown & red), and 3/4" stone.
(603) 524-8031
Planting starts in our greenhouse's week of 2/24/25. Spring is coming!
Follow us on Instagram @appletreenurserynh
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Delivery Charges:
Sanbornton, Northfield, Gilford, Franklin....................$60/delivery
Belmont, Laconia & Tilton..............................................$60/delivery
Mulch - Can deliver 9 yards at a time - minimum of 2 yards for delivery
Stone / Loam / Planting Bed Mix - Can deliver 4 yards at a time - minimum of 2 yards for delivery
Mulch is typically installed 2" thick when calculating how much you will need
3/8" PEA STONE $50/yd Mostly beige in color with some gray pieces throughout. Many home and building owners opt to use pea stone to accent gardens or flower beds. Regularly used for walkways, dog runs, playgrounds, patios, and a variety of other high-traffic areas. Like crushed stone, pea stone can also be used for underground projects, such as drainage and pipe bedding. |
CONTRACTOR SIZE- 6-10 cubic feet
CONTRACTOR SIZE- 6-10 cubic feet
How Much Does A Cubic Yard Of Mulch Weigh?
The weight of a cubic yard of mulch can vary between 400-800lbs. This is dependent on the moisture content of the mulch. The ability of much to hold water will depend on the structure of the decomposed material used to make the mulch.
The weight of a cubic yard of mulch can vary between 400-800lbs. This is dependent on the moisture content of the mulch. The ability of much to hold water will depend on the structure of the decomposed material used to make the mulch.
How Much Does A Cubic Yard Of Topsoil Weigh?
A cubic yard of topsoil typically weighs around 1000lb (half-ton). This may vary based on the topsoil moisture content or the sand to compost ratio blended within the topsoil.
A cubic yard of topsoil typically weighs around 1000lb (half-ton). This may vary based on the topsoil moisture content or the sand to compost ratio blended within the topsoil.
Do you have a new home or are planning on redoing your landscape this season? Check out the file below for a printable list of some of our favorite shrubs, perennials and trees to use:
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Follow our easy planting instructions to have success with your new plantings.
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